Tom Marcoux, Communication Sage and Spoken Word Strategist, encourages an audience to reach higher and elevate their lives. See Tom’s 43 books at Amazon

Are you living the life you wanted?
Many of us have been tossed off a path that we preferred.
Do not give up.
I invite you to take small steps and move forward.
Here are phrases I often share:

  • Better than zero
  • Confidence is built on evidence. Prepare, and you know that you have an advantage.
  • Motion brings clarity.
  • Measure by your heart, not others’ approval.

I created Code Access Reset™ – a science and system that empowers my clients and audiences. The above elements are a portion of Code Access Reset™. These elements contribute to a person’s elevating their life.

Let’s dive in.

1. Better than zero

What can you do today that can elevate your life? At one point, I was losing weight and muscle mass. I decided to do weight training. For a particular exercise, I only did 5 motions—per exercise session. And I still gained muscle mass. 5 motions were better than zero.

Here’s another example. 10 sit-ups a day over one year equals 3,650 sit-ups. That’s better than zero.

What can you do now that is “better than zero”?

2. Confidence is built on evidence. Prepare, and you know that you have an advantage.

If you need to prepare for a job interview or a meeting, rehearsal is crucial. When you rehearse, you become clearer on what to say and how to say it. Rehearse and keep a log of your rehearsal-sessions. Why? Then you have concrete evidence that you are putting in the work to prepare. Prepare effectively and you can do well.

Tom Marcoux, the Spoken Word Strategist, coaches clients to develop new skills and see the evidence of their progress. ( )

When working with clients, I coach them using Directed-Rehearsal. This is my unique process because as a feature film director (and Spoken Word Strategist), I help people discover their best words and perform at their best. They do well when pitching to gain investors — and in crucial job interviews.

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Once again, confidence is built on evidence.

How can you put in rehearsal-sessions and improve your real confidence?

3. Motion brings clarity.

I have worked with clients who said, “I’ll do that when I have clarity.”
That can cause a real problem. It’s called stuck.

If you wait for absolute clarity before taking action, time can run out!

Take some action. Try something. Discover what works and what does not work.

Many of us need to bring something to the marketplace and see what real customers experience. Then we can adjust as we go along.

I say, “When you take action, you step up the mountain. Then you can see new peaks you could not view from in the valley. You have new choices and opportunities. That is valuable clarity.”

What motion would help you achieve some clarity? What small step can you take forward?

4. Measure by your heart, not others’ approval.

No one else has your vision, your desires, or your destiny.

If I waited for approval, I would have missed so many opportunities. I would have not directed my first feature film. I would have shied away from writing books in my “Darkest Secrets” series. Some people advised me to not use “Darkest Secrets.” However, I went with my heart. For example, my book and online course titled “Darkest Secrets of Film Directing” sell every year. The book debuted in 2013. That’s ten years of sales. And, that’s ten years of helping filmmakers avoid big mistakes and dreams lost.

I say, “Expression is the celebration.” By this I mean, when you do something creative, you can celebrate your courage and your accomplishment. You learn by doing.

By the way, what if someone says, “Don’t do it”? But you move forward anyway. You follow your heart and succeed. What will they do? Likely, they’ll just shrug and say, “Meh. Whatever.”

Their approval did not mean much in this situation.

Instead … measure by your heart, not others’ approval.

These phrases help my clients and me elevate our lives. Life can be an adventure. You can grow, explore, and rise. The clock is ticking.

Make the best of today. Step forward.

May these insights support your great moments.

Tom Marcoux
Communication Sage and Spoken Word Strategist

Call to Action

See this Video – Attend Nov. 14, 2023 “Convince Investors to Fund You” *In person* Interactive Workshop

To connect with your creativity and build for the future … Go deeper and take my online courses:

Success Secrets: Confidence and Skills to Handle Toxic People

Darkest Secrets of Persuasion and Seduction Masters: How to Protect Yourself and Turn the Power to Good

Convince Investors to Fund You: Insider Skills to Gain Funding for Your Startup

Ignite Your Sales Success: Avoid BIG Mistakes that Cost You Sales

How You Can Believe in Yourself, Write and Complete Your Novel

How Lucky People Get LuckyMaximize Your Luck ….Access the Hidden Abundant Universe: How You Can Overcome Limits (“Darkest Secrets”) and Use Timeless Wisdom, Science and Spirituality — in Business & Life

Darkest Secrets of Film Directing: How Successful Directors Overcome Hidden Traps

Be Fearless with Your Home-based Business — Unleash Your Hidden Wealth

Darkest Secrets of Making a Pitch for Film and Television: How You Can Get a Studio Executive, Producer, Name Actor or Private Investor to Say YES to Your Project

Your Secret Charisma: More Confidence and More Sales


Tom Marcoux, Spoken Word Strategist and Executive Coach
CEO, International Speaker-Author of 50+ Books on Amazon,
including the book Convince Investors to Fund You: The Insider’s Guide to Avoid Deadly Mistakes and Gain Real Success with Your Startup Business

Get your copy of Confident English: Proven Tactics for Extraordinary Career Success

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